
0 rows


Information about a marriage between two people


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
marriageId INT 10 null
personId INT 10 null
person.personId Implied Constraint R

A link to one person in the marriage

spouseName VARCHAR 200 NULL

The name of the other person in the marriage if they aren’t in the database

spouseId INT 10 NULL

A link to the second person in the marriage if the person is in the database

marriageDate DATE 10 NULL

The date of the marriage if known.

comments LONGTEXT 2147483647 NULL
marriageDateDay INT 10 NULL

The day of the month the marriage occurred empty or null if not known

marriageDateMonth INT 10 NULL

The month the marriage occurred, null or blank if not known

marriageDateYear INT 10 NULL

The year the marriage occurred, null or blank if not known


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
marriage_s_pk Primary key Asc marriageId
PRIMARY Must be unique Asc marriageId
