
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT 10 null
pType VARCHAR 50 null
maxHolds INT 10 300
assignedRoleId INT 10 -1
restrictMasquerade TINYINT 3 0
isStaff TINYINT 3 0
description VARCHAR 100 ''
twoFactorAuthSettingId INT 10 -1
vdxClientCategory VARCHAR 10 ''
accountLinkingSetting TINYINT 3 0
enableReadingHistory TINYINT 3 1
accountLinkRemoveSetting TINYINT 3 1
canSuggestMaterials TINYINT 3 1
canRenewOnline TINYINT 3 1


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
ptype_s_pk Primary key Asc id
PRIMARY Must be unique Asc id
pType Must be unique Asc pType
