
0 rows


The reading history for patrons


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT 10 null
userId INT 10 null Implied Constraint R

The id of the user who checked out the item

groupedWorkPermanentId VARCHAR 40 NULL
source VARCHAR 25 null

The source of the record being checked out

sourceId VARCHAR 50 null

The id of the item that item that was checked out within the source

title VARCHAR 150 NULL

The title of the item in case this is ever deleted

author VARCHAR 75 NULL

The author of the item in case this is ever deleted

format VARCHAR 50 NULL

The format of the item in case this is ever deleted

checkOutDate INT 10 null

The first day we detected that the item was checked out to the patron

checkInDate BIGINT 19 NULL
deleted TINYINT 3 0
isIll TINYINT 3 0


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
user_reading_history_work_s_pk Primary key Asc id
groupedWorkPermanentId Performance Asc groupedWorkPermanentId
PRIMARY Must be unique Asc id
sourceId Performance Asc sourceId
user_work Performance Asc/Asc userId + groupedWorkPermanentId
userId Performance Asc/Asc userId + checkOutDate
userId_2 Performance Asc/Asc userId + checkInDate
userId_3 Performance Asc/Asc userId + title
userId_4 Performance Asc/Asc userId + author
