
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT 10 null
overdriveId VARCHAR 36 null
mediaType VARCHAR 50 null
title VARCHAR 512 null
series VARCHAR 215 NULL
primaryCreatorRole VARCHAR 50 NULL
primaryCreatorName VARCHAR 215 NULL
cover VARCHAR 215 NULL
dateAdded INT 10 NULL
dateUpdated INT 10 NULL
lastMetadataCheck INT 10 NULL
lastMetadataChange INT 10 NULL
lastAvailabilityCheck INT 10 NULL
lastAvailabilityChange INT 10 NULL
deleted TINYINT 3 0
dateDeleted INT 10 NULL
subtitle VARCHAR 255 NULL
crossRefId INT 10 0
lastSeen INT 10 0


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
overdrive_api_products_s_pk Primary key Asc id
crossRefId Performance Asc crossRefId
dateUpdated Performance Asc dateUpdated
deleted Performance Asc deleted
lastAvailabilityCheck Performance Asc lastAvailabilityCheck
lastMetadataCheck Performance Asc lastMetadataCheck
overdriveId Must be unique Asc overdriveId
PRIMARY Must be unique Asc id
