
2 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT 10 null
browse_category.userId Implied Constraint R
browse_category_dismissal.userId Implied Constraint R
browse_category_group_users.userId Implied Constraint R
development_task_developer_link.userId Implied Constraint R
development_task_qa_link.userId Implied Constraint R
ebsco_research_starter_dismissals.userId Implied Constraint R
hold_request_confirmation.userId Implied Constraint R
overdrive_account_cache.userId Implied Constraint R
pin_reset_token.userId Implied Constraint R
placard_dismissal.userId Implied Constraint R
redwood_user_contribution.userId Implied Constraint R
system_message_dismissal.userId Implied Constraint R
two_factor_auth_codes.userId Implied Constraint R
user_account_summary.userId Implied Constraint R
user_axis360_usage.userId Implied Constraint R
user_checkout.userId Implied Constraint R
user_cloud_library_usage.userId Implied Constraint R
user_ebsco_eds_usage.userId Implied Constraint R
user_ebscohost_usage.userId Implied Constraint R
user_events_entry.userId Implied Constraint R
user_events_registrations.userId Implied Constraint R
user_events_usage.userId Implied Constraint R
user_hold.userId Implied Constraint R
user_hoopla_usage.userId Implied Constraint R
user_ils_usage.userId Implied Constraint R
user_messages.userId Implied Constraint R
user_not_interested.userId Implied Constraint R
user_notification_tokens.userId Implied Constraint R
user_notifications.userId Implied Constraint R
user_open_archives_usage.userId Implied Constraint R
user_overdrive_usage.userId Implied Constraint R
user_palace_project_usage.userId Implied Constraint R
user_payments.userId Implied Constraint R
user_rbdigital_usage.userId Implied Constraint R
user_reading_history_work.userId Implied Constraint R
user_roles.userId Implied Constraint R
user_sideload_usage.userId Implied Constraint R
user_summon_usage.userId Implied Constraint R
user_vdx_request.userId Implied Constraint R
user_website_usage.userId Implied Constraint R
user_work_review.userId Implied Constraint R
web_builder_custom_from_submission.userId Implied Constraint R
web_builder_quick_poll_submission.userId Implied Constraint R
username VARCHAR 36 null
password VARCHAR 256 NULL
firstname VARCHAR 256 null
lastname VARCHAR 256 null
email VARCHAR 256 ''
cat_username VARCHAR 256 NULL
cat_password VARCHAR 256 ''
created DATETIME 19 null
homeLocationId INT 10 null

A link to the locations table for the users home location (branch) defined in millennium

myLocation1Id INT 10 null

A link to the locations table representing an alternate branch the users frequents or that is close by

myLocation2Id INT 10 null

A link to the locations table representing an alternate branch the users frequents or that is close by

trackReadingHistory TINYINT 3 0

Whether or not Reading History should be tracked.

bypassAutoLogout TINYINT 3 0

Whether or not the user wants to bypass the automatic logout code on public workstations.

displayName VARCHAR 256 null
disableCoverArt TINYINT 3 0
disableRecommendations TINYINT 3 0
phone VARCHAR 256 ''
patronType VARCHAR 30 ''
overdriveEmail VARCHAR 256 ''
promptForOverdriveEmail TINYINT 3 1
preferredLibraryInterface INT 10 NULL
initialReadingHistoryLoaded TINYINT 3 0
noPromptForUserReviews TINYINT 3 0
source VARCHAR 50 'ils'
interfaceLanguage VARCHAR 3 'en'
searchPreferenceLanguage TINYINT 3 -1
rememberHoldPickupLocation TINYINT 3 0
lockedFacets MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 NULL
lastListUsed INT 10 -1
lastLoginValidation INT 10 -1
alternateLibraryCard VARCHAR 50 ''
alternateLibraryCardPassword VARCHAR 256 ''
hideResearchStarters TINYINT 3 0
updateMessage MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 NULL
updateMessageIsError TINYINT 3 NULL
pickupLocationId INT 10 0
lastReadingHistoryUpdate INT 10 0
holdInfoLastLoaded INT 10 0
checkoutInfoLastLoaded INT 10 0
proPayPayerAccountId BIGINT 19 NULL
twoFactorStatus INT 10 0
hooplaCheckOutConfirmation TINYINT UNSIGNED 3 1
axis360Email VARCHAR 250 ''
promptForAxis360Email TINYINT 3 1
oAuthAccessToken VARCHAR 255 NULL
oAuthRefreshToken VARCHAR 255 NULL
disableAccountLinking TINYINT 3 0
browseAddToHome TINYINT 3 1
isLoggedInViaSSO TINYINT 3 0
materialsRequestSendEmailOnAssign TINYINT 3 0
materialsRequestReplyToAddress VARCHAR 70 NULL
materialsRequestEmailSignature TEXT 65535 NULL
preferredTheme INT 10 -1
unique_ils_id VARCHAR 36 null
ils_barcode VARCHAR 256 NULL
ils_username VARCHAR 256 NULL
ils_password VARCHAR 256 NULL
displayListAuthor TINYINT 3 1
userCookiePreferenceEssential INT 10 0
userCookiePreferenceAnalytics INT 10 0
disableCirculationActions TINYINT 3 0
onboardAppNotifications TINYINT 3 1
shouldAskBrightness TINYINT 3 1


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
user_s_pk Primary key Asc id
ils_barcode Performance Asc ils_barcode
PRIMARY Must be unique Asc id
user_barcode Performance Asc/Asc source + ils_barcode
username Must be unique Asc/Asc source + username
