
1 rows


Stores information about the various locations that are part


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
locationId INT 10 null

A unique Id for the branch or location within vuFind

displayName VARCHAR 60 null

The full name of the location for display to the user

libraryId INT 10 null
library.libraryId Implied Constraint R

A link to the library which the location belongs to

validHoldPickupBranch TINYINT 3 1

Determines if the location can be used as a pickup location if it is not the patrons home location or the location they are in.

nearbyLocation1 INT 10 NULL

A secondary location which is nearby and could be used for pickup of materials.

nearbyLocation2 INT 10 NULL

A tertiary location which is nearby and could be used for pickup of materials.

scope SMALLINT 5 0
useScope TINYINT 3 0
facetFile VARCHAR 15 'default'

The name of the facet file which should be used while searching use default to not override the file

showHoldButton TINYINT 3 1
isMainBranch TINYINT 3 0
repeatSearchOption enum('none', 'librarySystem', 'marmot', 'all') 13 'all'

Where to allow repeating search. Valid options are: none, librarySystem, marmot, all

facetLabel VARCHAR 75 ''
repeatInInnReach TINYINT 3 0
repeatInWorldCat TINYINT 3 0
systemsToRepeatIn VARCHAR 255 ''
homeLink VARCHAR 255 'default'
ptypesToAllowRenewals VARCHAR 128 '*'
automaticTimeoutLength INT 10 90
automaticTimeoutLengthLoggedOut INT 10 450
restrictSearchByLocation TINYINT 3 0
suppressHoldings TINYINT 3 0
additionalCss LONGTEXT 2147483647 NULL
repeatInOnlineCollection INT 10 1
econtentLocationsToInclude VARCHAR 255 NULL
showInLocationsAndHoursList INT 10 1
showShareOnExternalSites INT 10 1
showEmailThis INT 10 1
showFavorites INT 10 1
address LONGTEXT 2147483647 NULL
phone VARCHAR 25 ''
showDisplayNameInHeader TINYINT 3 0
headerText LONGTEXT 2147483647 NULL
subLocation VARCHAR 50 NULL
publicListsToInclude TINYINT 3 6
includeAllLibraryBranchesInFacets TINYINT 3 1
additionalLocationsToShowAvailabilityFor VARCHAR 100 ''
subdomain VARCHAR 25 ''
includeLibraryRecordsToInclude TINYINT 3 0
useLibraryCombinedResultsSettings TINYINT 3 1
enableCombinedResults TINYINT 3 0
combinedResultsLabel VARCHAR 255 'Combined Results'
defaultToCombinedResults TINYINT 3 0
footerTemplate VARCHAR 40 'default'
homePageWidgetId VARCHAR 50 ''
theme INT 10 1
hooplaScopeId INT 10 -1
overDriveScopeId INT 10 -2
groupedWorkDisplaySettingId INT 10 -1
browseCategoryGroupId INT 10 -1
historicCode VARCHAR 20 ''
axis360ScopeId INT 10 -1
description LONGTEXT 2147483647 NULL
createSearchInterface TINYINT 3 1
showInSelectInterface TINYINT 3 0
enableAppAccess TINYINT 3 0
latitude VARCHAR 75 '0'
longitude VARCHAR 75 '0'
appReleaseChannel TINYINT 3 0
contactEmail VARCHAR 250 NULL
showOnDonationsPage TINYINT 3 1
curbsidePickupInstructions VARCHAR 255 NULL
ebscohostSettingId INT 10 -2
ebscohostSearchSettingId INT 10 -2
lidaLocationSettingId INT 10 -1
vdxLocation VARCHAR 50 NULL
vdxFormId INT 10 NULL
validSelfRegistrationBranch TINYINT 3 1
useLibraryThemes TINYINT 3 1
lidaSelfCheckSettingId INT 10 -1
secondaryPhoneNumber VARCHAR 25 ''
openArchivesFacetSettingId INT 10 1
websiteIndexingFacetSettingId INT 10 1
palaceProjectScopeId INT 10 -1
languageAndDisplayInHeader INT 10 1
locationImage VARCHAR 100 NULL


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
location_s_pk Primary key Asc locationId
code Must be unique Asc/Asc code + subLocation
libraryId Performance Asc libraryId
PRIMARY Must be unique Asc locationId
ValidHoldPickupBranch Performance Asc validHoldPickupBranch
ValidSelfRegistrationBranch Performance Asc validSelfRegistrationBranch
