
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT 10 null
name VARCHAR 50 null
marcPath VARCHAR 100 null
marcEncoding enum('MARC8', 'UTF8', 'UNIMARC', 'ISO8859_1', 'BESTGUESS') 9 'MARC8'
groupingClass VARCHAR 100 'MarcRecordGrouper'
indexingClass VARCHAR 50 null
recordDriver VARCHAR 100 'MarcRecord'
recordUrlComponent VARCHAR 25 'Record'
formatSource enum('bib', 'item', 'specified') 9 'bib'
recordNumberTag CHAR 3 null
recordNumberPrefix VARCHAR 10 null
itemTag CHAR 3 null
itemRecordNumber CHAR 1 NULL
useItemBasedCallNumbers TINYINT 3 1
callNumberPrestamp CHAR 1 NULL
callNumber CHAR 1 NULL
callNumberCutter CHAR 1 NULL
callNumberPoststamp VARCHAR 1 NULL
location CHAR 1 NULL
locationsToSuppress VARCHAR 255 NULL
subLocation CHAR 1 NULL
shelvingLocation CHAR 1 NULL
itemUrl CHAR 1 NULL
barcode CHAR 1 NULL
status CHAR 1 NULL
statusesToSuppress VARCHAR 255 NULL
totalCheckouts CHAR 1 NULL
lastYearCheckouts CHAR 1 NULL
yearToDateCheckouts CHAR 1 NULL
totalRenewals CHAR 1 NULL
dueDate CHAR 1 NULL
dateCreated CHAR 1 NULL
dateCreatedFormat VARCHAR 20 NULL
iCode2 CHAR 1 NULL
useICode2Suppression TINYINT 3 1
format CHAR 1 NULL
eContentDescriptor CHAR 1 NULL
orderTag CHAR 3 NULL
orderStatus CHAR 1 NULL
orderLocation CHAR 1 NULL
orderCopies CHAR 1 NULL
orderCode3 CHAR 1 NULL
collection CHAR 1 NULL
catalogDriver VARCHAR 50 NULL
nonHoldableITypes VARCHAR 600 NULL
nonHoldableStatuses VARCHAR 255 NULL
nonHoldableLocations VARCHAR 512 NULL
lastCheckinFormat VARCHAR 20 NULL
lastCheckinDate CHAR 1 NULL
orderLocationSingle CHAR 1 NULL
specifiedFormat VARCHAR 50 NULL
specifiedFormatCategory VARCHAR 50 NULL
specifiedFormatBoost INT 10 NULL
filenamesToInclude VARCHAR 250 '.*\\.ma?rc'
collectionsToSuppress VARCHAR 100 ''
dueDateFormat VARCHAR 20 'yyMMdd'
doAutomaticEcontentSuppression TINYINT 3 1
iTypesToSuppress VARCHAR 100 NULL
iCode2sToSuppress VARCHAR 100 NULL
bCode3sToSuppress VARCHAR 100 NULL
sierraRecordFixedFieldsTag CHAR 3 NULL
bCode3 CHAR 1 NULL
recordNumberField CHAR 1 'a'
recordNumberSubfield CHAR 1 'a'
runFullUpdate TINYINT 3 0
lastUpdateOfChangedRecords INT 10 0
lastUpdateOfAllRecords INT 10 0
lastUpdateFromMarcExport INT 10 0
treatUnknownLanguageAs VARCHAR 50 'English'
treatUndeterminedLanguageAs VARCHAR 50 'English'
checkRecordForLargePrint TINYINT 3 1
determineAudienceBy TINYINT 3 0
audienceSubfield CHAR 1 NULL
includeLocationNameInDetailedLocation TINYINT 3 1
lastVolumeExportTimestamp INT 10 0
lastUpdateOfAuthorities INT 10 0
regroupAllRecords TINYINT 3 0
fullMarcExportRecordIdThreshold BIGINT 19 0
lastChangeProcessed INT 10 0
noteSubfield CHAR 1 ''
treatUnknownAudienceAs VARCHAR 10 'General'
suppressRecordsWithUrlsMatching VARCHAR 512 '||hoopla|yourcloudlibrary|'
determineLiteraryFormBy TINYINT 3 0
literaryFormSubfield CHAR 1 ''
hideUnknownLiteraryForm TINYINT 3 1
hideNotCodedLiteraryForm TINYINT 3 1
fallbackFormatField VARCHAR 5 NULL
treatLibraryUseOnlyGroupedStatusesAsAvailable TINYINT 3 1
customMarcFieldsToIndexAsKeyword VARCHAR 255 ''
processRecordLinking TINYINT 3 0
evergreenOrgUnitSchema TINYINT 3 1
index856Links TINYINT 3 0
includePersonalAndCorporateNamesInTopics TINYINT 3 1
orderRecordsStatusesToInclude VARCHAR 25 'o|1'
hideOrderRecordsForBibsWithPhysicalItems TINYINT 3 0
orderRecordsToSuppressByDate TINYINT 3 1
checkSierraMatTypeForFormat TINYINT 3 0
customFacet1SourceField VARCHAR 50 ''
customFacet1ValuesToInclude TEXT 65535 NULL
customFacet1ValuesToExclude TEXT 65535 NULL
customFacet2SourceField VARCHAR 50 ''
customFacet2ValuesToInclude TEXT 65535 NULL
customFacet2ValuesToExclude TEXT 65535 NULL
customFacet3SourceField VARCHAR 50 ''
customFacet3ValuesToInclude TEXT 65535 NULL
customFacet3ValuesToExclude TEXT 65535 NULL
callNumberPrestamp2 CHAR 1 NULL
itemUrlDescription CHAR 1 NULL
numRetriesForBibLookups TINYINT 3 2
numMillisecondsToPauseAfterBibLookups INT 10 0
numExtractionThreads TINYINT 3 10
orderRecordStatusToTreatAsUnderConsideration VARCHAR 10 ''


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
indexing_profiles_s_pk Primary key Asc id
name Must be unique Asc name
PRIMARY Must be unique Asc id
