
1 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
libraryId INT 10 null
aspen_lida_notifications_library.libraryId Implied Constraint R
aspen_lida_quick_searches.libraryId Implied Constraint R
browse_category.libraryId Implied Constraint R
collection_spotlights.libraryId Implied Constraint R
event_library_map_values.libraryId Implied Constraint R
greenhouse_cache.libraryId Implied Constraint R
holiday.libraryId Implied Constraint R
hoopla_settings.libraryId Implied Constraint R
host_information.libraryId Implied Constraint R
javascript_snippet_library.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_cloud_library_scope.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_combined_results_section.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_email_template.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_events_setting.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_ill_item_type.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_links.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_open_archives_collection.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_records_to_include.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_search_source.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_sideload_scopes.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_themes.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_web_builder_basic_page.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_web_builder_custom_form.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_web_builder_portal_page.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_web_builder_quick_poll.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_web_builder_resource.libraryId Implied Constraint R
library_website_indexing.libraryId Implied Constraint R
location.libraryId Implied Constraint R
materials_request.libraryId Implied Constraint R
materials_request_fields_to_display.libraryId Implied Constraint R
materials_request_form_fields.libraryId Implied Constraint R
materials_request_formats.libraryId Implied Constraint R
materials_request_status.libraryId Implied Constraint R
materials_request_usage.libraryId Implied Constraint R
overdrive_api_product_availability.libraryId Implied Constraint R
placard_library.libraryId Implied Constraint R
staff_members.libraryId Implied Constraint R
system_message_library.libraryId Implied Constraint R
web_builder_custom_from_submission.libraryId Implied Constraint R
web_builder_quick_poll_submission.libraryId Implied Constraint R

A unique id to identify the library within the system

subdomain VARCHAR 25 null

The subdomain which can be used to access settings for the library

displayName VARCHAR 80 null
showLibraryFacet TINYINT 3 1

Whether or not the user can see and use the library facet to change to another branch in their library system.

showConsortiumFacet TINYINT 3 0

Whether or not the user can see and use the consortium facet to change to other library systems.

allowInBranchHolds TINYINT 3 1

Whether or not the user can place holds for their branch. If this isn’t shown, they won’t be able to place holds for books at the location they are in. If set to false, they won’t be able to place any holds.

allowInLibraryHolds TINYINT 3 1

Whether or not the user can place holds for books at other locations in their library system

allowConsortiumHolds TINYINT 3 0

Whether or not the user can place holds for any book anywhere in the consortium.

scope SMALLINT 5 0
useScope TINYINT 3 0
showHoldButton TINYINT 3 1
showLoginButton TINYINT 3 1
showEmailThis TINYINT 3 1
showComments TINYINT 3 1
showFavorites TINYINT 3 1
inSystemPickupsOnly TINYINT 3 0
facetLabel VARCHAR 75 ''
finePaymentType TINYINT 3 NULL
repeatSearchOption enum('none', 'librarySystem', 'marmot', 'all') 13 'all'

Where to allow repeating search. Valid options are: none, librarySystem, marmot, all

repeatInInnReach TINYINT 3 0
repeatInWorldCat TINYINT 3 0
systemsToRepeatIn VARCHAR 255 ''
homeLink VARCHAR 255 'default'
showAdvancedSearchbox TINYINT 3 1
validPickupSystems VARCHAR 500 ''
allowProfileUpdates TINYINT 3 1
allowRenewals TINYINT 3 1
allowFreezeHolds TINYINT 3 1
showItsHere TINYINT 3 1
holdDisclaimer LONGTEXT 2147483647 NULL
showHoldCancelDate TINYINT 3 0
enableInnReachIntegration TINYINT 3 0
minimumFineAmount FLOAT 12 0
enableGenealogy TINYINT 3 0
enableCourseReserves TINYINT 3 0
exportOptions VARCHAR 100 'RefWorks|EndNote'
enableSelfRegistration TINYINT 3 0
enableMaterialsRequest TINYINT 3 0
eContentLinkRules VARCHAR 512 ''
notesTabName VARCHAR 50 'Notes'
showHoldButtonInSearchResults TINYINT 3 1
showSimilarAuthors TINYINT 3 1
showSimilarTitles TINYINT 3 1
worldCatUrl VARCHAR 100 ''
worldCatQt VARCHAR 40 ''
showGoDeeper TINYINT 3 1
showInnReachResultsAtEndOfSearch TINYINT 3 1
defaultNotNeededAfterDays INT 10 0
showOtherFormatCategory TINYINT 3 1
showWikipediaContent TINYINT 3 1
payFinesLink VARCHAR 512 'default'
payFinesLinkText VARCHAR 512 'Click to Pay Fines Online'
systemMessage MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 NULL
restrictSearchByLibrary TINYINT 3 0
restrictOwningBranchesAndSystems TINYINT 3 1
showAvailableAtAnyLocation TINYINT 3 1
allowPatronAddressUpdates TINYINT 3 1
showWorkPhoneInProfile TINYINT 3 0
showNoticeTypeInProfile TINYINT 3 0
allowPickupLocationUpdates TINYINT 3 0
accountingUnit INT 10 10
additionalCss LONGTEXT 2147483647 NULL
allowPinReset TINYINT 3 NULL
maxRequestsPerYear INT 10 60
maxOpenRequests INT 10 5
twitterLink VARCHAR 255 ''
pinterestLink VARCHAR 255 NULL
youtubeLink VARCHAR 255 NULL
instagramLink VARCHAR 255 NULL
goodreadsLink VARCHAR 255 NULL
facebookLink VARCHAR 255 ''
generalContactLink VARCHAR 255 ''
repeatInOnlineCollection INT 10 1
showExpirationWarnings TINYINT 3 1
econtentLocationsToInclude VARCHAR 255 NULL
showLibraryHoursNoticeOnAccountPages TINYINT 3 1
showShareOnExternalSites INT 10 1
barcodePrefix VARCHAR 15 ''
minBarcodeLength INT 10 0
maxBarcodeLength INT 10 0
showDisplayNameInHeader TINYINT 3 0
headerText LONGTEXT 2147483647 NULL
promptForBirthDateInSelfReg TINYINT 3 0
loginFormUsernameLabel VARCHAR 100 'Your Name'
loginFormPasswordLabel VARCHAR 100 'Library Card Number'
additionalLocationsToShowAvailabilityFor VARCHAR 255 ''
includeDplaResults TINYINT 3 0
selfRegistrationFormMessage MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 NULL
selfRegistrationSuccessMessage MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 NULL
addSMSIndicatorToPhone TINYINT 3 0
showAlternateLibraryOptionsInProfile TINYINT 3 1
selfRegistrationTemplate VARCHAR 25 'default'
externalMaterialsRequestUrl VARCHAR 255 NULL
isDefault TINYINT 3 NULL
showHoldButtonForUnavailableOnly TINYINT 3 0
allowLinkedAccounts TINYINT 3 1
allowAutomaticSearchReplacements TINYINT 3 1
publicListsToInclude TINYINT 3 4
showOtherSubjects TINYINT 3 1
maxFinesToAllowAccountUpdates FLOAT 12 10
showRefreshAccountButton TINYINT 3 1
patronNameDisplayStyle enum('firstinitial_lastname', 'lastinitial_firstname') 21 'firstinitial_lastname'
preventExpiredCardLogin TINYINT 3 0
casContext VARCHAR 50 NULL
masqueradeAutomaticTimeoutLength TINYINT UNSIGNED 3 NULL
allowMasqueradeMode TINYINT 3 1
allowReadingHistoryDisplayInMasqueradeMode TINYINT 3 0
newMaterialsRequestSummary MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 NULL
materialsRequestDaysToPreserve INT 10 0
showGroupedHoldCopiesCount TINYINT 3 1
interLibraryLoanName VARCHAR 30 NULL
interLibraryLoanUrl VARCHAR 200 NULL
expirationNearMessage LONGTEXT 2147483647 NULL
expiredMessage LONGTEXT 2147483647 NULL
enableCombinedResults TINYINT 3 0
combinedResultsLabel VARCHAR 255 'Combined Results'
defaultToCombinedResults TINYINT 3 0
hooplaLibraryID INT UNSIGNED 10 NULL
showOnOrderCounts TINYINT 3 1
sharedOverdriveCollection TINYINT 3 -1
showSeriesAsTab TINYINT 3 0
enableAlphaBrowse TINYINT 3 1
homePageWidgetId VARCHAR 50 ''
searchGroupedRecords TINYINT 3 0
showStandardSubjects TINYINT 3 1
theme INT 10 1
enableOpenArchives TINYINT 3 0
hooplaScopeId INT 10 -1
finesToPay TINYINT 3 1
finePaymentOrder VARCHAR 80 ''
layoutSettingId INT 10 0
overDriveScopeId INT 10 -1
groupedWorkDisplaySettingId INT 10 0
browseCategoryGroupId INT 10 null
showConvertListsFromClassic TINYINT 3 0
enableForgotPasswordLink TINYINT 3 1
selfRegistrationLocationRestrictions INT 10 2
generateSitemap TINYINT 3 1
selfRegistrationUrl VARCHAR 255 NULL
showWhileYouWait TINYINT 3 1
useAllCapsWhenSubmittingSelfRegistration TINYINT 3 0
validSelfRegistrationStates VARCHAR 255 ''
selfRegistrationPasswordNotes VARCHAR 255 ''
showAlternateLibraryCard TINYINT 3 0
showAlternateLibraryCardPassword TINYINT 3 0
alternateLibraryCardLabel VARCHAR 50 ''
alternateLibraryCardPasswordLabel VARCHAR 50 ''
libraryCardBarcodeStyle VARCHAR 20 'none'
alternateLibraryCardStyle VARCHAR 20 'none'
allowUsernameUpdates TINYINT 3 0
edsSettingsId INT 10 -1
useAllCapsWhenUpdatingProfile TINYINT 3 0
bypassReviewQueueWhenUpdatingProfile TINYINT 3 0
availableHoldDelay INT 10 0
enableWebBuilder TINYINT 3 0
requireNumericPhoneNumbersWhenUpdatingProfile TINYINT 3 0
axis360ScopeId INT 10 -1
allowPatronPhoneNumberUpdates TINYINT 3 1
validSelfRegistrationZipCodes VARCHAR 255 ''
loginNotes LONGTEXT 2147483647 NULL
allowRememberPickupLocation TINYINT 3 1
allowHomeLibraryUpdates TINYINT 3 1
showOpacNotes TINYINT 3 0
showBorrowerMessages TINYINT 3 0
showDebarmentNotes TINYINT 3 0
symphonyPaymentType VARCHAR 12 NULL
symphonyPaymentPolicy VARCHAR 10 NULL
allowDeletingILSRequests TINYINT 3 1
tiktokLink VARCHAR 255 ''
workstationId VARCHAR 10 ''
compriseSettingId INT 10 -1
proPaySettingId INT 10 -1
payPalSettingId INT 10 -1
worldPaySettingId INT 10 -1
createSearchInterface TINYINT 3 1
maxDaysToFreeze INT 10 365
displayItemBarcode TINYINT 3 0
treatBibOrItemHoldsAs TINYINT 3 1
showCardExpirationDate TINYINT 3 1
showInSelectInterface TINYINT 3 1
isConsortialCatalog TINYINT 3 0
showMessagingSettings TINYINT 3 1
contactEmail VARCHAR 250 NULL
displayMaterialsRequestToPublic TINYINT 3 1
donationSettingId INT 10 -1 Implied Constraint R
courseReserveLibrariesToInclude VARCHAR 50 NULL
curbsidePickupSettingId INT 10 -1
twoFactorAuthSettingId INT 10 -1
defaultRememberMe TINYINT 3 0
showLogMeOutAfterPlacingHolds TINYINT 3 1
systemHoldNote VARCHAR 50 ''
systemHoldNoteMasquerade VARCHAR 50 ''
enableReadingHistory TINYINT 3 1
showCitationStyleGuides TINYINT 3 1
minPinLength INT 10 4
maxPinLength INT 10 6
onlyDigitsAllowedInPin INT 10 1
enableSavedSearches TINYINT 3 1
holdPlacedAt TINYINT 3 0
allowLoginToPatronsOfThisLibraryOnly TINYINT 3 0
messageForPatronsOfOtherLibraries TEXT 65535 NULL
allowNameUpdates TINYINT 3 1
allowDateOfBirthUpdates TINYINT 3 1
xpressPaySettingId INT 10 -1
preventLogin TINYINT 3 0
preventLoginMessage TEXT 65535 NULL
footerText MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 NULL
ebscohostSettingId INT 10 -1
ebscohostSearchSettingId INT 10 -1
displayHoldsOnCheckout TINYINT 3 0
lidaNotificationSettingId INT 10 -1
lidaQuickSearchId INT 10 -1
aciSpeedpaySettingId INT 10 -1
ssoName VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoXmlUrl VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoUniqueAttribute VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoMetadataFilename VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoIdAttr VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoUsernameAttr VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoFirstnameAttr VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoLastnameAttr VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoEmailAttr VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoDisplayNameAttr VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoPhoneAttr VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoPatronTypeAttr VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoPatronTypeFallback VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoAddressAttr VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoCityAttr VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoLibraryIdAttr VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoLibraryIdFallback VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoCategoryIdAttr VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoCategoryIdFallback VARCHAR 255 NULL
ssoSettingId TINYINT 3 -1
showUserCirculationModules TINYINT 3 1
showUserPreferences TINYINT 3 1
showUserContactInformation TINYINT 3 1
ssoEntityId VARCHAR 255 NULL
showVolumesWithLocalCopiesFirst TINYINT 3 0
enableListDescriptions TINYINT 3 1
allowableListNames VARCHAR 500 ''
invoiceCloudSettingId INT 10 -1
holdRange VARCHAR 20 'SYSTEM'
optInToReadingHistoryUpdatesILS TINYINT 3 0
optOutOfReadingHistoryUpdatesILS TINYINT 3 1
setUsePreferredNameInIlsOnUpdate TINYINT 3 1
accountProfileId INT 10 -1
lidaGeneralSettingId INT 10 -1
materialsRequestSendStaffEmailOnNew TINYINT 3 0
materialsRequestSendStaffEmailOnAssign TINYINT 3 0
materialsRequestNewEmail VARCHAR 125 NULL
novelistSettingId INT 10 -1
deluxeCertifiedPaymentsSettingId INT 10 -1
paypalPayflowSettingId INT 10 -1
thirdPartyRegistrationLocation INT 10 -1
thirdPartyPTypeAddressValidated INT 10 -1
thirdPartyPTypeAddressNotValidated INT 10 -1
squareSettingId INT 10 -1
twilioSettingId INT 10 -1
eCommerceFee VARCHAR 11 '0'
eCommerceTerms MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 NULL
cookieStorageConsent TINYINT 3 0
cookiePolicyHTML TEXT 65535 NULL
openArchivesFacetSettingId INT 10 1
websiteIndexingFacetSettingId INT 10 1
enableForgotBarcode TINYINT 3 0
allowChangingPickupLocationForAvailableHolds TINYINT 3 0
allowCancellingAvailableHolds TINYINT 3 1
alwaysDisplayRenewalCount TINYINT 3 0
selfRegistrationFormId INT 10 -1
palaceProjectScopeId INT 10 -1
languageAndDisplayInHeader INT 10 1
enableCardRenewal TINYINT 3 0
showCardRenewalWhenExpirationIsClose TINYINT 3 1
cardRenewalUrl VARCHAR 255 NULL
allowCancellingInTransitHolds TINYINT 3 1
stripeSettingId INT 10 -1
summonSettingsId INT 10 -1
summonApiId VARCHAR 50 NULL
summonApiPassword VARCHAR 50 NULL
showPaymentHistory TINYINT 3 0
deletePaymentHistoryOlderThan INT 10 0
showHoldPosition TINYINT 3 1
minSelfRegAge INT 10 0
institutionCode VARCHAR 100 ''
showAvailableCoversInSummon TINYINT 3 0
allowMasqueradeWithUsername TINYINT 3 1
usernameField VARCHAR 1 'w'
allowPatronWorkPhoneNumberUpdates TINYINT 3 1
ncrSettingId INT 10 -1


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
library_s_pk Primary key Asc libraryId
PRIMARY Must be unique Asc libraryId
subdomain Must be unique Asc subdomain
