
SchemaSpy Analysis of aspen.aspen

Generated on Mon Sep 16 00:44 GMT 2024

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order
Constraints 0
Anomalies 113
Routines 0

Database Properties

Database Type: MySQL - 11.2.2-MariaDB-1:11.2.2+maria~ubu2204


Table / View Children Parents Columns Rows Type Comments
development_task_qa_link 0 1 3 0 Table
user_hoopla_usage 0 1 6 0 Table
events_facet 0 0 17 9 Table
redwood_user_contribution 0 1 15 0 Table
non_holdable_locations 0 0 4 0 Table
accelerated_reading_isbn 0 1 3 0 Table
library_link_language 0 0 3 0 Table
materials_request_form_fields 0 1 6 0 Table
search 1 0 11 0 Table
rbdigital_magazine_issue_availability 0 0 6 0 Table
aspen_lida_self_check_barcode 0 0 3 0 Table
user_ebsco_eds_usage 0 1 6 0 Table
library 40 1 295 1 Table
development_task 0 0 14 0 Table
ils_record_usage 0 0 10 0 Table
location 0 1 79 1 Table

Stores information about the various locations that are part

ebsco_research_starter_dismissals 0 1 3 0 Table
invoice_cloud_settings 0 0 5 0 Table
browse_category_dismissal 0 1 3 0 Table
location_open_archives_collection 0 0 3 0 Table
self_registration_form 0 0 10 0 Table
time_to_reshelve 0 0 7 0 Table
format_map_values 0 0 18 0 Table
web_builder_resource_audience 0 0 3 0 Table
optional_updates 0 0 5 0 Table
shared_session 0 0 4 0 Table
cloud_library_record_usage 0 0 7 0 Table
vdx_settings 0 0 6 0 Table
xpresspay_settings 0 0 3 0 Table
springshare_libcal_settings 0 0 11 0 Table
ebscohost_settings 0 0 4 0 Table
summon_usage 0 0 7 0 Table
open_archives_record 0 0 4 0 Table
nyt_api_settings 0 0 2 0 Table
donations_dedicate_type 0 1 3 0 Table
component_development_epic_link 0 0 3 0 Table
ticket 2 0 14 0 Table
variables 0 0 3 18 Table
axis360_record_usage 0 0 7 0 Table
user_events_registrations 0 1 5 0 Table
ticket_component_feed 0 0 3 0 Table
square_settings 0 0 6 0 Table
communico_events 0 0 7 0 Table
user_list 0 0 13 0 Table
search_stats_new 0 0 4 0 Table

Statistical information about searches for use in reporting

web_builder_custom_from_submission 0 2 7 0 Table
stripe_settings 0 0 4 0 Table
modules 0 0 9 28 Table
development_task_epic_link 0 0 4 0 Table
user_events_usage 0 1 7 0 Table
dpla_api_settings 0 0 2 0 Table
web_builder_resource_usage 0 0 8 0 Table
user_list_entry 0 0 9 0 Table
user_hold 0 1 36 0 Table
text_block_translation 0 0 5 0 Table
themes 0 0 265 1 Table
user_agent 0 0 4 0 Table
website_pages 0 0 7 0 Table
website_facets 0 0 13 4 Table
placard_trigger 0 0 4 0 Table
title_authorities 0 0 3 0 Table
curbside_pickup_settings 0 0 13 0 Table
user_website_usage 0 1 7 0 Table
open_archives_record_usage 0 0 7 0 Table
indexed_sub_location_code 0 0 2 0 Table
development_task_developer_link 0 1 3 0 Table
indexed_shelf_location 0 0 2 0 Table
accelerated_reading_subject_to_title 0 1 3 0 Table
record_parents 0 0 4 0 Table
google_api_settings 0 0 8 0 Table
web_builder_portal_page_audience 0 0 3 0 Table
cloud_library_export_log 0 0 14 0 Table
user_events_entry 0 1 8 0 Table
ncr_payments_settings 0 0 6 0 Table
placard_location 0 0 3 0 Table
status_map_values 0 0 7 0 Table
sendgrid_settings 0 0 4 0 Table
web_builder_portal_page 0 0 6 0 Table
aspen_lida_notifications_library 0 1 3 0 Table
aspen_site_stats 0 0 12 0 Table
sideload_log 0 0 14 0 Table
grouped_work_records 0 0 15 0 Table
aspen_sites 0 0 30 0 Table
indexed_item_type 0 0 2 0 Table
summon_settings 0 0 5 0 Table
location_more_details 0 0 5 0 Table
ticket_trend_bugs_by_severity 0 0 6 0 Table
collection_spotlight_lists 0 0 12 0 Table

The lists that should appear within the widget

author_enrichment 0 0 4 0 Table
novelist_settings 0 0 3 0 Table
palace_project_title_availability 0 0 5 0 Table
author_authorities 0 0 3 0 Table
overdrive_api_product_identifiers 0 0 4 0 Table
overdrive_extract_log 0 0 15 0 Table
web_builder_portal_row 0 0 7 0 Table
accelerated_reading_subject 0 0 3 0 Table
user_axis360_usage 0 1 6 0 Table
open_archives_facet_groups 0 0 2 1 Table
errors 0 0 8 0 Table
aspen_lida_build 0 0 25 0 Table
cron_log 0 0 6 0 Table
marriage 0 1 9 0 Table

Information about a marriage between two people

events_usage 0 0 8 0 Table
axis360_scopes 0 0 6 0 Table
user_reading_history_work 0 1 12 0 Table

The reading history for patrons

grouped_work_debug_info 0 0 5 0 Table
web_builder_custom_form_field 0 0 9 0 Table
aspen_site_scheduled_update 0 0 10 0 Table
cloud_library_settings 0 0 9 0 Table
aspen_site_checks 0 0 8 0 Table
cloud_library_title 0 0 12 0 Table
hide_subject_facets 0 0 3 0 Table
library_open_archives_collection 0 1 3 0 Table
system_message_location 0 0 3 0 Table
user_cloud_library_usage 0 1 6 0 Table
cron_process_log 0 0 10 0 Table
worldpay_settings 0 0 6 0 Table
cloud_library_availability 0 0 14 0 Table
request_tracker_connection 0 0 3 0 Table
placard_dismissal 0 1 3 0 Table
location_combined_results_section 0 0 6 0 Table
aspen_lida_notifications_location 0 0 3 0 Table
sideload_record_usage 0 0 7 0 Table
claim_authorship_requests 0 0 7 0 Table
web_builder_audience 0 0 2 7 Table
location_search_source 0 0 8 0 Table
user_palace_project_usage 0 1 6 0 Table
shared_content 0 0 11 0 Table
accelerated_reading_titles 2 0 8 0 Table
system_message_dismissal 0 1 3 0 Table
ils_records 0 0 12 0 Table
web_builder_basic_page_access 0 0 3 0 Table
usps_settings 0 0 3 0 Table
collection_spotlights 0 1 19 0 Table

A widget that can be displayed within Pika or within other sites

web_builder_quick_poll_option 0 0 4 0 Table
record_identifiers_to_reload 0 0 4 0 Table
palace_project_collections 0 0 7 0 Table
aspen_release 0 0 4 0 Table
overdrive_account_cache 0 1 8 0 Table

A cache to store information about a user’s account within OverDrive.

aspen_site_cpu_usage 0 0 4 0 Table
donations 4 0 27 0 Table
materials_request 0 1 40 0 Table
web_builder_category 0 0 2 11 Table
ticket_status_feed 0 0 3 0 Table
donations_value 0 1 5 0 Table
development_priorities 0 0 4 0 Table
javascript_snippet_library 0 1 3 0 Table
usage_tracking 0 0 7 0 Table
indexed_format_category 0 0 2 0 Table
rbdigital_magazine_issue 0 0 6 0 Table
contentcafe_settings 0 0 8 0 Table
axis360_title 0 0 12 0 Table
processes_to_stop 0 0 6 0 Table
cloud_library_scopes 0 0 8 0 Table
sideloads 2 0 33 0 Table
aspen_lida_notification_setting 0 0 6 0 Table
location_records_to_include 0 0 27 0 Table
user_notifications 0 1 9 0 Table
millennium_cache 0 0 5 0 Table

Caches information from Millennium so we do not have to cont

location_hours 0 0 7 0 Table
amazon_ses_settings 0 0 8 0 Table
paypal_settings 0 0 7 0 Table
propay_settings 0 0 9 0 Table
grouped_work 0 0 8 0 Table
ptype_restricted_locations 0 0 4 0 Table
materials_request_fields_to_display 0 1 5 0 Table
library_events_setting 0 1 5 0 Table
development_epic 0 0 9 0 Table
ticket_trend_by_component 0 0 7 0 Table
web_builder_resource 0 0 12 0 Table
course_reserve 0 0 8 0 Table
aspen_lida_quick_search_setting 0 0 2 0 Table
ils_extract_log 0 0 18 0 Table
comprise_settings 0 0 5 0 Table
cached_values 0 0 3 0 Table
overdrive_api_product_availability 0 1 10 0 Table
axis360_export_log 0 0 15 0 Table
ebscohost_database 0 1 10 0 Table
indexed_publisher 0 0 2 0 Table
overdrive_stats 0 0 18 0 Table
hoopla_export_log 0 0 14 0 Table
archive_requests 0 0 15 0 Table
web_builder_basic_page_home_location_access 0 0 3 0 Table
user_not_interested 0 1 4 0 Table
library_web_builder_quick_poll 0 1 4 0 Table
user_vdx_request 0 1 14 0 Table
aspen_site_memory_usage 0 0 6 0 Table
self_reg_form_values 0 0 10 0 Table
development_task_ticket_link 0 1 3 0 Table
aspen_lida_general_settings 0 0 3 0 Table
image_uploads 0 0 12 0 Table
placards 0 0 10 0 Table
two_factor_auth_codes 0 1 6 0 Table
two_factor_auth_settings 0 0 5 0 Table
staff_members 0 1 8 0 Table
grouped_work_display_info 0 0 8 0 Table
javascript_snippets 0 0 4 0 Table
companion_system 0 0 3 0 Table
web_builder_portal_page_access 0 0 3 0 Table
development_task_partner_link 0 0 3 0 Table
user_work_review 0 1 7 0 Table
component_ticket_link 0 1 3 0 Table
sso_mapping 0 0 5 0 Table
web_builder_quick_poll 0 0 12 0 Table
aspen_lida_notifications_ptype 0 0 3 0 Table
indexed_edition 0 0 2 0 Table
course_reserves_library_map 0 0 4 0 Table
ip_lookup 0 0 17 1 Table
indexed_physical_description 0 0 2 0 Table
open_archives_collection 0 0 14 0 Table
ebscohost_search_options 0 0 3 0 Table
aspen_lida_branded_settings 0 0 13 0 Table
location_themes 0 0 4 0 Table
grouped_work_record_item_url 0 1 3 0 Table
greenhouse_settings 0 0 13 0 Table
list_indexing_log 0 0 11 0 Table
obituary 0 1 10 0 Table

Information about an obituary for a person

library_cloud_library_scope 0 2 3 0 Table
coce_settings 0 0 2 0 Table
library_website_indexing 0 1 3 0 Table
vdx_hold_group_location 0 0 3 0 Table
nongrouped_records 0 0 4 0 Table
vdx_form 0 0 10 0 Table
recaptcha_settings 0 0 3 0 Table
library_ill_item_type 0 1 3 0 Table
axis360_settings 0 0 9 0 Table
library_records_to_include 0 1 27 0 Table
hide_series 0 0 3 0 Table
offline_circulation 0 0 13 0 Table
roles 2 0 3 18 Table

A role identifying what the user can do.

translation_maps 0 0 4 0 Table
course_reserve_entry 0 0 6 0 Table
search_update_log 0 0 8 0 Table
usage_by_user_agent 0 1 7 0 Table
ils_volume_info 0 0 6 0 Table
web_builder_resource_category 0 0 3 0 Table
bookcover_info 0 0 13 0 Table
omdb_settings 0 0 3 0 Table
ils_hold_summary 0 0 3 0 Table
system_message_library 0 1 3 0 Table
failed_logins_by_ip_address 0 0 3 0 Table
indexed_grouped_status 0 0 2 0 Table
web_builder_basic_page 0 0 8 0 Table
indexed_place_of_publication 0 0 2 0 Table
overdrive_settings 0 0 18 0 Table
author_authority_alternative 0 0 4 0 Table
reindex_log 0 0 8 0 Table
library_web_builder_resource 0 1 3 0 Table
grouped_work_facet_groups 0 0 2 4 Table
browse_category_group_users 0 1 3 0 Table
web_builder_custom_form_field_submission 0 0 4 0 Table
external_request_log 0 0 9 0 Table
system_messages 0 0 11 0 Table
browse_category_group 0 0 4 1 Table
user_sideload_usage 0 1 7 0 Table
quipu_ecard_setting 0 0 5 0 Table
rbdigital_magazine 0 0 12 0 Table
course_reserves_indexing_settings 0 0 4 0 Table
palace_project_settings 0 0 7 0 Table
user_ebscohost_usage 0 1 6 0 Table
library_search_source 0 1 8 0 Table
donations_earmark 0 1 4 0 Table
events_spotlights 0 0 10 0 Table
user_messages 0 1 11 0 Table
browse_category_subcategories 0 0 4 0 Table
scope 3 0 4 0 Table
placard_library 0 1 3 0 Table
self_registration_tos 0 0 4 0 Table
offline_hold 0 0 10 0 Table
author_authority 0 0 4 0 Table
db_update 0 0 2 1756 Table
user_payments 0 1 20 0 Table
overdrive_scopes 0 0 14 0 Table
palace_project_export_log 0 0 14 0 Table
axis360_title_availability 0 0 10 0 Table
merged_grouped_works 0 0 4 0 Table
overdrive_api_product_formats 0 0 12 0 Table
rosen_levelup_settings 0 0 12 0 Table
indexed_record_source 0 0 3 0 Table
grouped_work_display_settings 0 0 50 5 Table
materials_request_status 0 1 8 20 Table
aspen_lida_notifications 0 0 11 0 Table
web_builder_quick_poll_submission_selection 0 0 3 0 Table
api_usage 0 0 7 0 Table
record_files 0 0 4 0 Table
events_indexing_log 0 0 11 0 Table
library_links_access 0 0 3 0 Table
development_task_sprint_link 0 0 4 0 Table
rbdigital_magazine_usage 0 0 7 0 Table
web_builder_portal_page_category 0 0 3 0 Table
aspen_lida_self_check_settings 0 0 4 0 Table
hoopla_settings 0 1 10 0 Table
library_sideload_scopes 0 2 3 0 Table
user_link_blocks 0 0 4 0 Table
aspen_usage 0 0 27 0 Table
user_payment_lines 0 0 4 0 Table
indexed_language 0 0 2 0 Table
indexed_format 0 0 2 0 Table
rbdigital_record_usage 0 0 7 0 Table
website_page_usage 0 0 7 0 Table
host_information 0 1 5 0 Table
indexed_publication_date 0 0 2 0 Table
system_variables 0 0 32 1 Table
aspen_lida_location_settings 0 0 4 0 Table
sideload_scopes 0 0 11 0 Table
event_library_map_values 0 1 5 0 Table
browse_category_group_entry 0 0 4 2 Table
library_web_builder_custom_form 0 1 3 0 Table
location_cloud_library_scope 0 1 3 0 Table
open_archives_facets 0 0 13 7 Table
user_ils_usage 0 1 11 0 Table
layout_settings 0 0 11 1 Table
translations 0 0 7 0 Table
syndetics_data 0 0 10 0 Table
usage_by_ip_address 0 0 12 0 Table
donations_settings 0 0 8 0 Table
hold_request_confirmation 0 1 4 0 Table
materials_request_usage 0 1 6 0 Table
greenhouse_cache 0 1 21 0 Table
ptype 0 0 14 0 Table
overdrive_api_product_metadata 0 0 16 0 Table
user_open_archives_usage 0 1 7 0 Table
object_history 0 0 9 0 Table
vdx_hold_groups 0 0 2 0 Table
placard_language 0 0 3 0 Table
communico_settings 0 0 11 0 Table
axis360_stats 0 0 13 0 Table
web_builder_custom_form 0 0 8 0 Table
library_themes 0 1 4 1 Table
user_overdrive_usage 0 1 6 0 Table
lm_library_calendar_settings 0 0 12 0 Table
hoopla_scopes 0 0 26 0 Table
translation_terms 0 0 10 0 Table
grouped_work_primary_identifiers 0 0 4 0 Table
rbdigital_title 0 0 13 0 Table
person 2 0 41 0 Table

Stores information about a particular person for use in genealogy

sideload_files 0 0 6 0 Table
palace_project_title 0 0 6 0 Table
sso_setting 0 0 71 0 Table
administration_field_lock 0 0 4 0 Table
grouped_work_variation 0 0 6 0 Table
location_sideload_scopes 0 1 3 0 Table
aci_speedpay_settings 0 0 11 0 Table
novelist_data 0 0 10 0 Table
assabet_settings 0 0 8 0 Table
list_indexing_settings 0 0 4 1 Table
ebscohost_facet 0 0 3 0 Table
website_index_log 0 0 12 0 Table
email_template 0 0 6 0 Table
file_uploads 0 0 5 0 Table
hoopla_export 0 0 15 0 Table
overdrive_record_usage 0 0 7 0 Table
syndetics_settings 0 0 12 0 Table
ticket_queue_feed 0 0 3 0 Table
assabet_events 0 0 7 0 Table
indexed_location_code 0 0 2 0 Table
nyt_update_log 0 0 10 0 Table
hoopla_record_usage 0 0 6 0 Table
session 0 0 6 0 Table
user_notification_tokens 0 1 8 0 Table
languages 0 0 8 1 Table
grouped_work_scheduled_index 0 0 4 0 Table
indexed_status 0 0 2 0 Table
accelerated_reading_settings 0 0 10 0 Table
role_permissions 0 1 3 275 Table
springshare_libcal_events 0 0 7 0 Table
browse_category 0 2 18 2 Table
component_development_task_link 0 0 4 0 Table
aspen_lida_quick_searches 0 1 6 0 Table
permissions 0 0 6 203 Table
rbdigital_availability 0 0 9 0 Table
paypal_payflow_settings 0 0 7 0 Table
indexing_profiles 0 0 114 0 Table
ticket_severity_feed 0 0 3 0 Table
twilio_settings 0 0 5 0 Table
library_combined_results_section 0 1 6 0 Table
grouped_work_test_search 0 0 8 0 Table
location_website_indexing 0 0 3 0 Table
smtp_settings 0 0 9 0 Table
development_epic_partner_link 0 0 3 0 Table
grouped_work_record_items 0 0 22 0 Table
bad_words 0 0 2 1650 Table

Stores information about bad_words that should be removed fr

grouped_work_facet 0 0 17 80 Table
ebsco_eds_usage 0 0 7 0 Table
ebsco_eds_settings 0 0 7 0 Table
indexed_call_number 0 0 2 0 Table
materials_request_formats 0 1 8 0 Table
grouped_work_alternate_titles 0 0 7 0 Table
course_reserves_indexing_log 0 0 11 0 Table
events_facet_groups 0 0 3 1 Table
aspen_site_wait_time 0 0 4 0 Table
web_builder_basic_page_audience 0 0 3 0 Table
javascript_snippet_location 0 0 3 0 Table
library_email_template 0 1 3 0 Table
open_archives_export_log 0 0 12 0 Table
website_facet_groups 0 0 2 1 Table
ebscohost_usage 0 0 7 0 Table
deluxe_certified_payments_settings 0 0 4 0 Table
user_checkout 0 1 53 0 Table
sierra_export_field_mapping 0 0 15 0 Table
user_summon_usage 0 1 6 0 Table
library_web_builder_portal_page 0 1 3 0 Table
palace_project_scopes 0 0 6 0 Table
development_sprint 0 0 5 0 Table
holiday 0 1 4 0 Table
ticket_trend_by_queue 0 0 6 0 Table
user_rbdigital_usage 0 1 6 0 Table
grouped_work_more_details 0 0 5 0 Table
account_profiles 0 0 32 1 Table
overdrive_api_products 0 0 19 0 Table
ebsco_research_starter 0 0 3 0 Table
web_builder_portal_cell 0 0 23 0 Table
slow_page 0 0 10 0 Table
sierra_api_export_log 0 0 9 0 Table
user 44 0 64 2 Table
slow_ajax_request 0 0 11 0 Table
user_roles 0 2 3 2 Table

Links users with roles so users can perform administration f

website_indexing_settings 0 0 13 0 Table
ticket_trend_by_partner 0 0 7 0 Table
indexed_econtent_source 0 0 2 0 Table
web_builder_quick_poll_submission 0 2 7 0 Table
library_links 0 1 15 0 Table
lm_library_calendar_events 0 0 7 0 Table
library_web_builder_basic_page 0 1 3 0 Table
user_link 0 0 3 0 Table
user_account_summary 0 1 12 0 Table
web_builder_basic_page_category 0 0 3 0 Table
palace_project_record_usage 0 0 7 0 Table
pin_reset_token 0 1 4 0 Table
translation_map_values 0 0 4 0 Table