Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Children | Parents | Comments | |||
locationId | INT | 10 | √ | null |
A unique Id for the branch or location within vuFind |
code | VARCHAR | 75 | √ | NULL |
displayName | VARCHAR | 60 | null |
The full name of the location for display to the user |
libraryId | INT | 10 | null |
A link to the library which the location belongs to |
validHoldPickupBranch | TINYINT | 3 | 1 |
Determines if the location can be used as a pickup location if it is not the patrons home location or the location they are in. |
nearbyLocation1 | INT | 10 | √ | NULL |
A secondary location which is nearby and could be used for pickup of materials. |
nearbyLocation2 | INT | 10 | √ | NULL |
A tertiary location which is nearby and could be used for pickup of materials. |
scope | SMALLINT | 5 | √ | 0 |
useScope | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 0 |
facetFile | VARCHAR | 15 | 'default' |
The name of the facet file which should be used while searching use default to not override the file |
showHoldButton | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 1 |
isMainBranch | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 0 |
repeatSearchOption | enum('none', 'librarySystem', 'marmot', 'all') | 13 | 'all' |
Where to allow repeating search. Valid options are: none, librarySystem, marmot, all |
facetLabel | VARCHAR | 75 | √ | '' |
repeatInInnReach | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 0 |
repeatInWorldCat | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 0 |
systemsToRepeatIn | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | '' |
homeLink | VARCHAR | 255 | 'default' |
ptypesToAllowRenewals | VARCHAR | 128 | '*' |
automaticTimeoutLength | INT | 10 | √ | 90 |
automaticTimeoutLengthLoggedOut | INT | 10 | √ | 450 |
restrictSearchByLocation | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 0 |
suppressHoldings | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 0 |
additionalCss | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | √ | NULL |
repeatInOnlineCollection | INT | 10 | √ | 1 |
econtentLocationsToInclude | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | NULL |
showInLocationsAndHoursList | INT | 10 | √ | 1 |
INT | 10 | √ | 1 |
showEmailThis | INT | 10 | √ | 1 |
showFavorites | INT | 10 | √ | 1 |
address | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | √ | NULL |
phone | VARCHAR | 25 | √ | '' |
showDisplayNameInHeader | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 0 |
headerText | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | √ | NULL |
subLocation | VARCHAR | 50 | √ | NULL |
publicListsToInclude | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 6 |
includeAllLibraryBranchesInFacets | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 1 |
additionalLocationsToShowAvailabilityFor | VARCHAR | 100 | '' |
subdomain | VARCHAR | 25 | √ | '' |
includeLibraryRecordsToInclude | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 0 |
useLibraryCombinedResultsSettings | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 1 |
enableCombinedResults | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 0 |
combinedResultsLabel | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | 'Combined Results' |
defaultToCombinedResults | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 0 |
VARCHAR | 40 | 'default' |
homePageWidgetId | VARCHAR | 50 | √ | '' |
theme | INT | 10 | √ | 1 |
hooplaScopeId | INT | 10 | √ | -1 |
overDriveScopeId | INT | 10 | √ | -2 |
groupedWorkDisplaySettingId | INT | 10 | √ | -1 |
browseCategoryGroupId | INT | 10 | -1 |
historicCode | VARCHAR | 20 | √ | '' |
axis360ScopeId | INT | 10 | √ | -1 |
tty | VARCHAR | 25 | √ | NULL |
description | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | √ | NULL |
createSearchInterface | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 1 |
showInSelectInterface | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 0 |
enableAppAccess | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 0 |
latitude | VARCHAR | 75 | √ | '0' |
longitude | VARCHAR | 75 | √ | '0' |
unit | VARCHAR | 3 | √ | NULL |
appReleaseChannel | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 0 |
contactEmail | VARCHAR | 250 | √ | NULL |
showOnDonationsPage | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 1 |
curbsidePickupInstructions | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | NULL |
ebscohostSettingId | INT | 10 | √ | -2 |
ebscohostSearchSettingId | INT | 10 | √ | -2 |
lidaLocationSettingId | INT | 10 | √ | -1 |
vdxLocation | VARCHAR | 50 | √ | NULL |
vdxFormId | INT | 10 | √ | NULL |
validSelfRegistrationBranch | TINYINT | 3 | 1 |
useLibraryThemes | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 1 |
lidaSelfCheckSettingId | INT | 10 | √ | -1 |
secondaryPhoneNumber | VARCHAR | 25 | √ | '' |
openArchivesFacetSettingId | INT | 10 | √ | 1 |
websiteIndexingFacetSettingId | INT | 10 | √ | 1 |
palaceProjectScopeId | INT | 10 | √ | -1 |
languageAndDisplayInHeader | INT | 10 | √ | 1 |
locationImage | VARCHAR | 100 | √ | NULL |
Constraint Name | Type | Sort | Column(s) |
location_s_pk | Primary key | Asc | locationId |
code | Must be unique | Asc/Asc | code + subLocation |
libraryId | Performance | Asc | libraryId |
PRIMARY | Must be unique | Asc | locationId |
ValidHoldPickupBranch | Performance | Asc | validHoldPickupBranch |
ValidSelfRegistrationBranch | Performance | Asc | validSelfRegistrationBranch |