
0 rows


Stores information about a particular person for use in genealogy


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
personId INT 10 null
marriage.personId Implied Constraint R
obituary.personId Implied Constraint R
firstName VARCHAR 100 NULL
middleName VARCHAR 100 NULL
lastName VARCHAR 100 NULL
maidenName VARCHAR 100 NULL
otherName VARCHAR 100 NULL
nickName VARCHAR 100 NULL
birthDate DATE 10 NULL
deathDate DATE 10 NULL
ageAtDeath MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 NULL
cemeteryName VARCHAR 255 NULL
cemeteryLocation VARCHAR 255 NULL
mortuaryName VARCHAR 255 NULL
comments LONGTEXT 2147483647 NULL
picture VARCHAR 255 NULL
ledgerVolume VARCHAR 20 ''
ledgerYear VARCHAR 20 ''
ledgerEntry VARCHAR 20 ''
sex VARCHAR 20 ''
race VARCHAR 20 ''
residence VARCHAR 255 ''
causeOfDeath VARCHAR 255 ''
cemeteryAvenue VARCHAR 255 ''
veteranOf VARCHAR 100 ''
addition VARCHAR 100 ''
block VARCHAR 100 ''
lot VARCHAR 50 ''
grave INT 10 NULL
tombstoneInscription MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 NULL
addedBy INT 10 -1
dateAdded INT 10 NULL
modifiedBy INT 10 -1
lastModified INT 10 NULL
privateComments MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 NULL
importedFrom VARCHAR 50 NULL
birthDateDay INT 10 NULL

The day of the month the person was born empty or null if not known

birthDateMonth INT 10 NULL

The month the person was born, null or blank if not known

birthDateYear INT 10 NULL

The year the person was born, null or blank if not known

deathDateDay INT 10 NULL

The day of the month the person died empty or null if not known

deathDateMonth INT 10 NULL

The month the person died, null or blank if not known

deathDateYear INT 10 NULL

The year the person died, null or blank if not known


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
person_s_pk Primary key Asc personId
PRIMARY Must be unique Asc personId
