
0 rows


A widget that can be displayed within Pika or within other sites


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT 10 null
name VARCHAR 50 null
description MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 NULL
showTitleDescriptions TINYINT 3 1
onSelectCallback VARCHAR 255 ''
customCss VARCHAR 500 null
listDisplayType enum('tabs', 'dropdown') 8 'tabs'
autoRotate TINYINT 3 0
showMultipleTitles TINYINT 3 1
libraryId INT 10 -1
library.libraryId Implied Constraint R
style enum('vertical', 'horizontal', 'single', 'single-with-next', 'text-list', 'horizontal-carousel') 19 'horizontal'
coverSize enum('small', 'medium') 6 'small'
showRatings TINYINT 3 0
showTitle TINYINT 3 1
showAuthor TINYINT 3 1
showViewMoreLink TINYINT 3 0
viewMoreLinkMode enum('covers', 'list') 6 'list'
showSpotlightTitle TINYINT 3 1
numTitlesToShow INT 10 25


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
collection_spotlights_s_pk Primary key Asc id
PRIMARY Must be unique Asc id
